As a writer, you need to know the 4 M’s, 4 writing issues that many writers go through so that you can move past these issues and become successful in your business.
Our self-worth and our writing play an important role in our success. As a writing strategist and coach, I have identified four areas that limit potential writers from getting started in their career. Recognizing these 4 writing issues—mindset, message, marketing, and monetization—will help you understand your lack of progress.
- Your self-worth determines how others see you
Successful people have a success mindset
- What does success mean to you?
- Your message is your story
Stay on message
- Poor messaging equals poor money return
- Your book is your business
- Create an audience, interest, traffic, and sales
- Time is more valuable than money
- Prioritize your time
- Think long-term: generational, transformational
I have helped more than 1,000 authors write and publish books. I can help you, with some of them becoming best seller books. Take my online classes and attend my events. A book gives you credibility; once published, you are now an expert. What do you want your writings/book to do long after you are gone? See value in your words and value in your wisdom far beyond becoming a bestseller. See your writings as best solutions and that is priceless.
Want to start writing your book or publish your book? Contact me, here. I can help you write your book, self-publish, and help you market your book to the public.