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Your book is your new business card. You have spent the time and money to make sure that both look professional. Communicating your thoughts and ideas can get lost, however, when your writing is filled with grammar mistakes or the failure to edit. Make certain that your writing is as professional as your business card and book cover.


Proofreading and Editing Tips

Word Crutches

Do you have words that you use as a crutch? Read through your manuscript to see how many times you use the same word or words again and again. Remove them or replace with similar words so that you do not bore or annoy your readers.

Put Your Words on a Diet

Avoid Wordiness

Delete: on the other hand, at the end of the day, the fact of the matter is

Change: in order to = to, in spite of the fact that = because

Active versus Passive Voice 

Choose the active voice not the passive voice for verbs. Active voice means the subject is performing the verb and makes your writing stronger. Passive means the subject receives the action and is considered weaker.

Be Consistent

Using a comma or not before the final and in a series are both acceptable; pick one and be consistent.

Examples: Both are correct

  • He brought his books, pens, and a lunch.
  • He brought his books, pens and a lunch.

If you use the comma before and in a series, always use it in a series. If you do not, that is correct. Be consistent and always use it or not use it.

I have helped more than 1,000 authors write and publish books. I can help you, with some of them becoming best seller books. Take my online classes and attend my events.  A book gives you credibility; once published, you are now an expert. What do you want your writings/book to do long after you are gone?  See value in your words and value in your wisdom far beyond becoming a bestseller.  See your writings as best solutions and that is priceless.

Want to start writing your book or publish your book? Contact me, here. I can help you write your book, self-publish, and help you market your book to the public.

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