How Authors and Self Publishers can Move like Giants
“In order to get what you’ve never had, you must do what you’ve never done” (Dr. Fred Jones, 2018).
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Giants associate/interact with other giants.
We all make choices in life; the most important choices are those that will make your future self thank you for a long time. As an author and self-publisher, you are probably looking to improve your influence and have an impact on the people around you. You are probably looking for ways to increase your income. In order to do these things, you cannot operate on a mundane level. You must be willing to be bold; you must be willing to be brave; you must be willing to move like a giant! Following are 10 strategies that giants employ to accomplish magnificent outcomes.
Strategies Required to Move like Giants
#1 – Giants know their God.
- Giants know how awesome God is.
- Giants know how to embrace God and trust in his plan for them.
- Giants have a mindset that magnifies God and knows that He will see them through in the midst of resistance to their efforts to do magnificent things.
Remember what David said, “Oh! Magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together.”
When you magnify God, the problem gets smaller; when you magnify God, the resistance goes away; when you magnify God, you become excited better able to operate like the giant that God is calling you to be.
#2 – Giants value membership in communities of giants.
- Giants associate/interact with other giants.
- Giants are connected, in some way, to other giants.
As an author and self-publisher, if you want to think and operate like a giant, you must be in community with other authors and self publishers.
#3 – Giants think giant thoughts.
- Giants don’t think small; nor do they think safe thoughts.
- Giants have ideas that go beyond anything that anybody ever thought of.
- Giants accept that magnificent ideas will stretch them and likely cause them to be uncomfortable.
Comfortable decisions or comfortable choices that you make will never change you. The giant thoughts that you think might have the potential to change the world, but likely they will not be comfortable and they will change you, as well. to be comfortable it will never change you. A comfortable choice will never change you. You will never be changed by being comfortable. So authors and self publishers think giant thoughts.
#4 – Giants take giant actions.
- Giants take the dive.
- Giants go big.
If you are not living life on the edge, you are taking up too much space. If you want to be a #1 Amazon bestselling author, you should take giant actions now!
#5 – Giants don’t accept “no” as a final answer.
- Giants show up with a “work around” or “fix it up” strategy.
- Giants are persistent; they have a Plan B and a Plan C if Plan A is unsuccessful.
#6 – Giants create success in spite of their fear.
- Giants step out on faith even though they don’t know how things will work out.
- Giants live life on the edge.
- Giants do not let fear derail their God-given purpose.
If you want to create your own shine, rather than glow in someone else’s glory, you must step out and do. And, when resistance to your efforts pushes you to the wall, you must step up and know that any fear you feel is merely false evidence appearing real.
#7 – Giants know that there really are no rules.
- Giants are creative.
- Giants color outside of the lines.
- Giants do not live their lives according to rules, regulations and 9 to 5 schedules.
- Giants are different; their paths may not be understood by others.
Many people depend on rules to help them navigate through life. They rely on someone telling them when to get up, when to sit down; when to come, when to go; when to step in, when to step out. However, when you are ready to create the life and business of your dreams, you must chart your own course and make giant decisions in order to step into the fullness of God’s plan for you.
#8 – Giants act as mentors, coaches, or accountability partners for others.
- Giants know that we all can win if we complement, rather than compete with each other.
- Giants help others shine.
- Giants challenge their mentees/clients/partners to be bigger than they have ever been.
- Giants challenge their mentees/clients/partners to change the way they think.
- Giants do not let their mentees/clients/partners settle for mediocrity.
- Giants confront, correct and coach their mentees/clients.
- Giants facilitate movement of their mentees/clients into the fullness of their calling.
#9 – Giants believe reading is essential to maintaining a cutting edge in their chosen area.
- Giants read books on leadership.
- Giants read books on team building.
- Giants read books on marketing.
- Giants read books on spiritual wellness.
In order to maintain relevance and facilitate genuine results for their audience and/or clients, self publishers must read, as well as write.
#10 – Giants make giant investments.
- Giants are willing to invest significantly in themselves.
- Giants believe that self-investment is essential to their growth and their calling.
- Giants are willing to invest in future generations.
No matter the tribulations or failures in your life, in order to be the giant you want to be, you must keep investing in yourself. To that end, I invite you to consider private coaching with me!
Sign up here to book your spot:
Additionally, I encourage you to check out one of the digital products I have created to help you move forward toward creating the life and business of your dreams.
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