Creating a Book Title

Creating a Book Title

Maximize Your Choices                  Identify the Elements            Pique Curiosity A book’s title grab’s attention, should be easy to remember, and should connect to the story or research, if non-fiction. The title may come to you as you write your story or may...
Organizing Your Writing

Organizing Your Writing

Your Outline = Your Lifeline     Estimate, Identify, Enhance      Set up Categories Whatever type of book that you are writing—memoir, autobiography, novel, how-to, self-help, cookbook, non-fiction—organization is key. Begin with an outline. When you get stuck in a...
Getting Started

Getting Started

Arrange a schedule       Let Your Ideas Flow     Stick to Your Schedule If you have been sitting in front of your computer screen staring at a blank page, you’ve realized by now that your book isn’t going to write itself. That perfect first sentence does not happen on...
7 Reasons Why You Must Know Your Worth

7 Reasons Why You Must Know Your Worth

I stopped in at a neighborhood garage sale and saw my friends’ belongings strewn across the drive-way.  There were pictures quickly taken from the walls, decorative items that had graced bookshelves, and lots of kitchen items.  Some of the items were clearly from...