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Dr. Fred Jones

Best Selling Author | Attorney | Professor

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Mistake = To err is human - not to hire and editor is an idiot!

25 Mistakes Aspiring Authors Make!

The following mistakes are not in any particular order.  Over the last 14 years of publishing and teaching these are some of the most outstanding and costly mistakes I’ve seen.

  1. The mistake of NOT taking aggressive massive action immediately!
  2. The mistake of holding on to your manuscript and not allowing anyone to read it.
  3. The pitfall of overlooking social media marketing.
  4. The mistake of a cheap mindset!  Not being willing to INVEST in yourself.
  5. The mistake of not knowing the legal in’s and out’s of writing a book.
  6. The mistake of not vetting your cover.
  7. The problem of choosing and unqualified editor.
  8. The mistake of not having a book plan.
  9. The mistake of not knowing your target audience.
  10. The misstep of not joining a writers community before you write and publish.
  11. The mistake of dictating vs. writing your manuscript.
  12. The mistake of not keeping the reader in mind.
  13. The mistake of not having clear concise goals of what you want to say.
  14. The mistake of using inappropriate content or rambling.
  15. The problem of not writing to a larger audience.
  16. The mistake of not using relevant information for your target audience.
  17. The glitch of not formatting your manuscript.
  18. The mistake of not writing the next book.
  19. The mistake of not backing up your “facts” with facts.
  20. The mistake of not giving credit where credit is due.
  21. The pitfall of not documenting quotes and other borrowed material.
  22. The mistake of not referencing ownership of your intellectual property.
  23. The mistake of not considering how what you write will affect you professionally.
  24. The problem of not copyrighting all intellectual property.
  25. The mistake of not keeping an original manuscript in a safe deposit box, dated and signed.

If you have made or still making any of these mistakes then I would like to extend an invitation to you to join my FREE  Facebook Amazon Self-Publishing group.  Here is the link:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1512740169001535/

Credit:  Sue Bowron, Editor and Contributor

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Fred Jones is an Amazon Best Selling author, attorney, and Publishing Strategist. His LATEST BOOK is, DR. FRED JONES SPEAKS, PUBLISH ME NOW!, For more information please visit http://drfredjones.com    [/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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