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Frederick D. Jones

Your story is the source of all you need to be successful. It’s time for you to “assassinate choice through sharing your voice.” Darren Scott Monroe

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She saw unlimited worth and value in all of her students and encouraged them to embrace it!

She saw unlimited worth and value in all of her students and encouraged them to embrace it!

You are the ONLY one of you. When you find that uniqueness you then will realize that all you want or desire is already with you.  Your are worth more than you have given yourself credit for.

Remember “when you pay for an experience, keep your receipt.” Joshua Joy Dara, Sr.    Your written story is your receipt.

“Cheese and Crackers”
Once there was an old man who wanted to go on a cruise before he died. He spent 4 years saving up, and afterwards, bought his ticket. Since this man had very little money, he could not afford to buy the fancy dinners on the cruise, so he packed his suitcase full of cheese and crackers. He boarded the ship, found his cabin and settled in for the cruise and all the activities. However, each night he would gaze longingly into the dining room and he would watch people eating beautiful food and enjoying themselves so.

On the morning of their New York arrival, one of the ship’s officers asked the man if they had offended him in any kind of way since he had not eaten his meals with him.  “Oh no,” the man replied. “I only had enough money to pay for my ticket.  I didn’t have enough to eat in the dining room.”  The officer looked at the man almost in disbelief and said, “Sir, I am so sorry!  Your meals were included in your fare.”

Your limiting beliefs are undermining you from becoming a published author. Stop making this hard. Believe in yourself. Believe BIGGER! Take action today and say to yourself! Publish Me NOW!

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Frederick D. Jones, J.D. is an accomplished author, attorney and publishing instructor. He conducts online classes and private one-on-one coaching. Dr. Jones’ books, About My Father’s BusinessAn Act of Bravery and Through A Teacher’s Eyes can all be found on his Amazon author page. Book him, as your next keynote speaker – your audience will thank you long after he is gone! Contact him: http://drfredjones.com or call 318-617-7190 Fred@drfredjones.com

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