Dr. Fred Jones
Amazon Best Selling Author
Write That Book! Virtual Writing Retreat
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How many books do you purchase and read from cover to cover? Amazon has a new section of Kindle eBooks called Short Reads. You can do this…
One Simple Quick Step to Publishing Your Story
The number one reason many writers with completed manuscripts never get their work published is that they don’t believe they can! I find this very interesting. Belief is the cornerstone to all that we do or don’t do in life. Your belief system will make you right 100 per cent of the time. If you think you can – you are right! If you think you cannot – you are right!
Write That Book! Virtual Writing Retreat
A poem I learned in junior high school helped me accomplish goals and dreams that would never have been a reality if I had not believed in myself.
The Man Who Thinks He Can
By Walter D. Wintle
If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don’t.
If you’d like to win, but think you can’t,
It’s almost a cinch you won’t.
If you think you’ll lose, you’ve lost,
For out in the world we find
Success being with a fellow’s will;
It’s all in the state of mind.
If you think you’re outclassed, you are:
You’ve got to think high to rise.
You’ve got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.
Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But sooner or later the man who wins
Is the one who thinks he can.
Write That Book! Virtual Writing Retreat
When I wrote and published my first book in 2006, I did not have a clue as to what I was doing. I hired someone to help me and paid him in advance. Two weeks before my book signing I had NO BOOK! My family was driving in from Louisiana for the book release and the fear of disappointing my parents was overwhelming.
Write That Book! Virtual Writing Retreat
Because I believed in this project, I was motivated to get it done. After talking to everyone I knew, a suggestion surfaced that lead me to online publishing. I submitted my manuscript, went through the process and my books arrived one day before my book signing. My parents never knew what anguish I went through; they only saw my success.
You can do the same. If your manuscript is ready to go, you can have it published within 24 to 48 hours with Amazon. Go to https://kdp.amazon.com and create a Kindle Direct Publishing account. Be sure to watch the introductory video and click on “Get Started Today” that will link you to Learn How Easy It Is. You’ll be surprised at the results that belief can bring. Get started today.
Click Here and REGISTER NOW!
LISTEN TO TESTIMONIALS from my first retreat!
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Frederick D. Jones, J.D. is an accomplished author, professor, and attorney. His books, About My Father’s Business, An Act of Bravery and Through A Teacher’s Eyes can all be found on Amazon. Book him as your next keynote speaker and your audience will thank you long after he is gone! For more information or to subscribe please visit http://drfredjones.com or Call: 318-617-7190