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Dr. Fred Jones

Amazon Best-Selling Author

Today is Georgia’s Day: We celebrate family Birthdays by rising early and wishing each other a Happy Birthday via telephone conference call.  This has been a tradition in our family now for more that four or five years.  On Feb. 20th we rose to celebrate my sister Georgia’s Birthday.

Georgia Mae Jones

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Georgia's Day: Celebrate Family Birthdays!

Happy Birthday Georgia!


Georgia’s Day: Celebrate Family Birthdays!

She looked upon the dirty dishes, the rowdy children, the empty pocketbook, and declared in a voice that thundered throughout the household, “Peace, be still.” And all of Georgia’s siblings settled. Under her care and leadership, dishes were washed and put away; rowdy children treated each other with respect; and necessities were met. Georgia has been a bridge between her parents and her siblings all her life. Her energy is boundless and her reign over her family unquestionable. Georgia makes things happen. For herself, she claims Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” For others, she claims Matthew 6:33, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.”


Georgia’s Day: Celebrate Family Birthdays!

Georgia has always known what she was about. After graduating from Franklin Parish Training School, she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Vocational Home Economics from Grambling State University. Always reaching for the next step, she received certification in Special Education from the University of Louisiana Monroe and for 40 years renewed and gained additional certifications to give her students the best she had to offer.

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Georgia's Day: Celebrate Family Birthdays!

Georgia driving the boat!


Her influence reaches beyond the middle school grades in her Resource, Math and English Language Arts classes. She serves as President of the Youth Department of the Franklin Parish District Association while simultaneously volunteering as Director of Youth at Pleasant Star Baptist Church. She is also President of Abe Lincoln Community, Inc. and was instrumental in building the Abe Lincoln Community Center, which provides enrichment programs for young people.


Georgia’s greatest influence is at home. She is proud of her two children, Carla Jones Stokes and Michael Jones, Sr. They have brought her three grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Her home and heart has been open to two great-nieces whom she raised and served as a nurturing place for many others. Any child who showed up on Aunt Georgia’s doorstep found a warm bed, a hot meal, and a guiding spirit.


No matter where Georgia went, she took care of others. When she worked in Chicago, she sent money home to support her parents and siblings. When she sewed a suit for her son, she sewed one for her nephew as well. Whenever there was a family gathering, no matter the size, there was food, lovingly prepared and beautifully presented. In the gap Georgia has always cared and always stood ready to provide for others. Her greatest examples in life were her parents Mose and Beatrice Jones; her home economics teacher Mrs. Patterson; and her mathematics teacher Mrs. Washington. Now she is the example for several generations of students, siblings, nieces and nephews, and their children. In the Jones family, Georgia stands for strength, constancy, and love. For Georgia, this is what she’s about.

Georgia’s Day: Celebrate Family Birthdays!

CLICK and listen NOW to a live birthday celebration!

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Frederick D. Jones, J.D. is an accomplished author, professor, and attorney. His LATEST BOOK, DR. FRED JONES SPEAKS, PUBLISH ME NOW!, can all be found on his Amazon author page. Book him as your next keynote speaker and your audience will thank you long after he is gone! For more information or to subscribe please visit http://drfredjones.com or Call: 318-617-7190                         [/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

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