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Audacious Prayers For World Changers

by Jade Simmons

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Live and Pray Out Loud

Day 2: A Prayer for New Senses

Day 2: A Prayer for New Senses Exodus 4:11

The LORD said to him, “Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the LORD?

You’re pretty smart on your own, but often your own ambitions and the trials of life can mess with the effectiveness of your radar. You’ll need to be sure you’re seeing straight. God has an app for that.


Father, give me new eyes so that I might see as You do, new ears so I can hear as You hear. Give me a new mouth and tongue so that I can speak only as You would have me speak and more importantly, so that I’ll know when to be quiet. Give me a new heart so that I can feel as deeply and compassionately as You do about people. Give me a nose that sniffs things out, help me quickly discern truth from falsehood so that I’ll avoid bad relationships and messy business partnerships. If I’m already in one, give me the sense and the know-how to get out quickly and with the least damage done possible.

And while You’re giving things out, I’ll take a new mind as well so that my thoughts can be Yours, which I know are far better than mine anyway. Give me new arms and hands so that everything I touch will turn to gold. Make me the new Midas, not just in the material sense (though there’s nothing wrong with that, either), but when it comes to people and situations I’ll have a special power to make things right and whole, and yes, profitable, too.

Make it so my touch can be a blessing to others and please make my embrace a shelter for those that need it most. Give me new feet so I can walk only where you want me to go and won’t get tripped up on a rocky path of my own making. Make me sick to my stomach when I unwittingly wind up in bad environments or dangerous situations. Give me the wits to get out smartly and quickly. With Godspeed, I ask for this in Your Holy Name, Amen.

Take note of your sharpest senses and make a point to rely on them often. But for now find out where your senses have been dull. Do you find yourself in the same situations because you keep missing the same thing over and over? Ask God to repair that tool to fix your compass in that area and watch it get sharpened as the days go by.


If this prayer resonates with you then you may want to JOIN Jade’s 31-Day Dare to Pray Audaciously Challenge!

Here is the Sign Up Link: 31 Day Dare to Pray Audaciously Challenge!


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Frederick D. Jones, J.D. is an international speaker, Amazon Best Selling author, professor, and attorney. His LATEST BOOK, DR. FRED JONES SPEAKS, PUBLISH ME NOW!, can be found on his Amazon author page. Book him as your next keynote speaker and your audience will thank you long after he is gone! For more information or to subscribe please visit http://drfredjones.com                


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