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Keep Away the Riff Raff

Bad company corrupts good character.

Audacious Prayers for World Changers

by Jade Simmons

Audacious Prayers for World Changers by Jade Simmons Live and Pray Out Loud
I Corinthians 15:33 (NIV) Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”

“When you’ve got big business plans that involve fulfilling your destiny you can start off by yourself, but eventually you’re going to need a team.  In one fell swoop, that team can give you wings or sink you like the Titanic.  You’ll need to choose wisely.”

“Lord, my time is precious because You gave it to me as a gift, a new gift each day.  I know I am not entitled to it.  Help it not to be wasted by others who don’t mean me well.  Keep away from me people who behave like energy vampires and mood downers.  Keep away complainers who might suck me into their hopelessness and doubters who want me to share in their fear.  Clear my path of jealous people and naysayers and don’t allow me to operate in that way towards others.  Also keep away carrot danglers who are all talk and no results.  Keep me away from status quo huggers and easily satisfied people who have settled for mediocrity.  Only allow me to pair myself with team members who share my passion, my work ethic and my idea of success that should ultimately be Your idea of success.  Surround me with people who are smarter than me, people that I can learn from.”

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Live and Pray Out Loud

Day 4: A Prayer to Keep Away the Riff Raff

Here’s the segment that leaped off the pages at me this morning. “Make a list of the riff raff in your life. You know who they are, but you’ve been pretending that being with them, hanging around them, partying with them dating them, taking their advice, or endlessly giving them advice they never take is not really doing you all that much harm.”  

“Now list the wise people in your life, your mentors or those from whom you’d like to learn more and glean more.  Pray over them.  Ask God to more firmly insert them in your life.  Ask Him as well to bless them for how they have so selflessly poured into you thus far.”

Okay, I’ve got work to do here. More pruning, what the heck – it’s spring time!

 If this prayer resonates with you then you may want to JOIN Jade’s 31-Day Dare to Pray Audaciously Challenge!  Here is the Sign Up Link: 31 Day Dare to Pray Audaciously Challenge!


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 Fred Jones is an Amazon Best Selling Author, Attorney, and Publishing Strategist. His LATEST BOOK is, DR. FRED JONES SPEAKS, PUBLISH ME NOW!, For more information please visit http://drfredjones.com    


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