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Dr. Fred Jones

Amazon Best Selling Author

HELP: I Want to Write a Book BUT I Don’t Know Where to Start

The number one question I’m asked is, “How do I get started?” True enough, the hardest part is starting. So many people dream of writing but are stuck in the starting blocks. Unfortunately, many powerful stories and memories go untold and generations of family are deprived of their rich history and heritage. My goal is to help you get started and taking action that will lead to publication!


Here are 10 common questions aspiring authors ask before starting:  Part One – I will share 1-5.


  1. I don’t know how to get started. When I was contemplating law school, an attorney mentor told me, “The hardest part is getting started.” Getting started is like jumping into a swimming pool. You just have to jump! Start with the end in mind. Set a deadline for each phase and create a sense of urgency!  HELP: I Want to Write a Book…



  1. I don’t have the time. Overachievers and people who are trying to do everything often have this concern. Stop and prioritize. What is most important? What will bring maximum results? How am I wasting time? Do the analysis, make a work plan, and focus on your sweet spot that will bring sweet results. Remember, this is a commitment.  HELP: I Want to Write a Book…



  1. I’m not ready; I’m not a good writer. A journey of 10,000 miles starts with the first step. You must start before you are ready. Being ready is a myth; start even though you do not believe you have everything in place. You are the CEO of YOU! Write your story any way you want. Then hire a professional editor to put it together. It’s just that simple.  HELP: I Want to Write a Book…



  1. I don’t know what to write about. A Dale Carnegie instructor told our class to speak about something we are familiar with. Write about yourself, your work, and or your dreams. You are the expert of your own material.  HELP: I Want to Write a Book…



  1. Who would be interested in my story? Anyone who relates to your experience. People read what speaks to them. Define who your target audience is and get started. Your readers are waiting for you.  HELP: I Want to Write a Book…


Want Help?  Register Now for my upcoming WRITE-THAT-BOOK  Virtual Retreat



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Frederick D. Jones, J.D. is an Amazon International Best Selling author, professor, and attorney. His LATEST BOOK, DR. FRED JONES SPEAKS, PUBLISH ME NOW!, can all be found on his Amazon author page. Book him as your next keynote speaker and your audience will thank you long after he is gone! For more information or to subscribe please visit http://drfredjones.com or Call: 318-617-7190                        

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