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Dr. Fred Jones

Professor | Author | Speaker

Help! I Want to Write a Book, but Don’t Know Where to Start. The number one question I’m asked is

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“Where do I get started?’ True enough, the hardest part is starting. So many individuals dream of writing but are stuck in the starting block and as a result, they do nothing and unfortunately, many of them take powerful stories and memories to the grave. When this happens, generations coming afterwards are deprived of the rich history and heritage of our advancements. My goal in this article is to help you get started, moving and taking action that will lead to publication!  Part 1


Here are 5 of 10 Common Question Aspiring Authors ask before starting:

  1.  I don’t know how to get started: This is the hardest part. When I was getting ready to go to law school, I remember one of my attorney mentors stating to me: “The hardest part is getting started.” He went on to tell me that it will be over before you know it. Start with an end in mind. Create a sense of urgency! Set a deadline.
  2. I don’t have the time: This is a common concern for overachievers and those of us who are trying to do everything. When this happens we must stop and began to prioritize. What is most important? What is it that I must do that will bring maximum results? Where am I wasting time? When we answer a few of these critical questions we then can sit down and focus on our sweet spot that will bring sweet results. This is only if you are serious about your writing and publishing.
  3. I’m not ready; I’m not a good writer: You must start before you are ready. A journey of 10,000 miles starts with the first step. Once I heard this principle put into words, I’ve never looked back on starting anything. Being ready is a myth and too often we psych ourselves out thinking we have to be ‘ready’ and it never happens. Know that you must start even though you don’t feel or believe you have everything in place. After you start, keep this in mind: You are the CEO of YOU! Write your story in any format or way you want to, just as long as you get it written. The next step after that is to employ a professional editor. It’s just that simple!
  4. I don’t know what to write about: When I enrolled in Dale Carnegie years ago, we were required to give our first speech. I remember the instructor telling us to talk about something you know or something that you are very familiar with. Almost everyone giving that speech talked about himself or herself! Write about yourself because you know that story better than anyone else in the world. Who can argue or dispute your claims? Think about that for a moment!
  5. Who would be interested in my story? Okay, don’t tell anyone what I’m about to say: People are nosy. They want to know about your business and everyone else’s’ business because they are desperately trying to figure life out and they want to know how you did what you are doing! People want to know the secret sauce to your success. To someone you may not be anything, but to another, you are everything. The key here is to know you target audience. They are they are waiting on you!

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