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Halloween evaporates into Thanksgiving. We shift the pumpkins, get rid of the fake bloody eyeballs, and start moving toward a mindset of harvest and gratitude. This holiday includes family and lots of food. And don’t forget football! The inclusiveness may include a few friends but this is a family first holiday and if we don’t travel somewhere to celebrate Thanksgiving, we are including family members that we don’t see often. Someone is sent to pick up grandma and her sweet potato casserole. An uncle with very considered opinions is looking forward to holding center stage except everyone has heard it all before and disagrees with most of it. A brother-in-law who is constantly broke and feckless blames others for his plight. A favorite niece arrives with tattoos up her arm and a nose ring. This is family. We make room in our lives in this season of thanks to celebrate our connection as family mixing the good and thoughtful with the unforgiving and tiresome.
What a perfect time to announce that you are writing a tribute to a beloved grandmother, mother, aunt, father, grandfather. Begin interviewing the family for their information and memories. By the time that Thanksgiving arrives in 2017, you could have a finished written manuscript for publication to give out to all your family members.
Should you decide to honor your mother, father or family as we have done I would love to hear from you!  You can reach me at Fred@DrFredJones.com.

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