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Frederick D. Jones

Most aspiring authors make some terrible mistakes that undermine their career as authors. The BIGGEST mistake I’ve seen is the…

2014-05-30 04.02.09

BELIEF mistake. This master mistake undermines everything. Negative beliefs will product negative actions or no actions.  You cannot get positive results from negative thoughts. So many of us just fail to believe that we have what it takes to share our story. Let me pause right here and say that you have what it takes. You are enough. Your story is worth sharing. Now, I want to share my mistakes with the hope of helping you to avoid them.


  1. Not leaving your comfort zone: So many people are like Facebook fans. They login to watch, look, and like what others are doing. People like the comfort zone, but the comfort zone is a great place for nothing to grow. Step outside what you know and learn and experience something new. Take action! See failure as an opportunity to improve.


  1. Not believing in you and your abilities: For years I praised and promoted others. This is not all bad. But this becomes a problem when you place others above yourself. Stop believing more in others and not in yourself. Success is not in how much you have, but in how little you need. Trust in your talents and work. Don’t expect others to believe in you and your abilities if you don’t believe yourself.


  1. Stop procrastinating: “Ready is a myth! You have to start before you are ready.” Marshawn Evans Daniels is the first person I heard make that statement. Time waits for no one.  Start writing and sharing the knowledge you have inside you. Every accomplished author started somewhere and as they continued, they improve.

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