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Dr. Fred Jones

Amazon Best Selling Author

Publish Your Story: It’s Worth It!

Publish Your Story: It’s Worth It!  When I began college, I was in for a rude awakening. Everything was separated. B’s were on one side and W’s on the other. Now that is NOT the way I talk. Blacks were on one side and Whites were on the other. As a result of seeing things separate, I was angry. My behavior began to reflect this. I stole and went to jail (December 19, 1983). I was only there for 45 minutes, and that is all the time I needed to know that I did not want to go back. Today I’m speaking at Chapel for a local college. The following is my message to them!

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Publish Your Story:  It’s Worth It!

Who is it you go to  –  to get a different perspective on  things you are passionate about?  Everyone needs a peer, a pal, and a pupil.


Worthology: You are Better Than That!

Often times, what children are facing is what they have seen from parents or other adults. You are a reflection of what you grew up with.


The Greatest Problem with many Millennials is that: We don’t see ourselves through the eyes of Christ.


Why is this a problem?   When individuals don’t see themselves as valuable, they live their lives on a discounted rate.


Would you like to know what that looks like? Let’s look at a guy in the Bible who lived his life at a discounted rate.

Publish Your Story: It’s Worth It!



He lived in Lodi bar. 2 Samuel 4:4 and 2 Samuel 9


1) He was a prince who lived as a pauper.


2) He had rights to everything but lived like he had nothing.


3) Favor belonged to him but fear overshadowed him.


Let’s talk about you.


1) Many of you here are Christians but live like children of the world (Devil).


2) Many of you have the right spiritual position, but your practices are wrong.


3) There are even some of you who know that God’s favor is upon you, but you are locked in fear.


3 Things I want you to walk away from here knowing:


1) There are no limits on how far you can go in Christ.

2) Go where you are celebrated and not where you are tolerated. You will always be appreciated.

3) Your value is unlimited. Your worth is without measure. But your price is what you are willing to accept.


I want to invite you to join me for a virtual writing retreat. Here is the link and event details: REGISTER NOW: Virtual Writing Retreat WRITE-THAT-BOOK!


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Frederick D. Jones, J.D. is an accomplished author, professor, and attorney. His LATEST BOOK, DR. FRED JONES SPEAKS, PUBLISH ME NOW!, can all be found on his Amazon author page. Book him as your next keynote speaker and your audience will thank you long after he is gone! For more information or to subscribe please visit http://drfredjones.com or Call: 318-617-7190                        



Critical Review:

“Although this “e-book” had good content, I regret spending my money. It was more like an into to a book, a devotional, or a sales pitch. It took me all of maybe 10 minutes to read. I was just getting warmed up when I realized I was at the end of the book, and If I wanted all the good stuff, I was going to have to pay for his program. I was suggested this book from another site. I was very excited to get to read this. Now I just see he is trying to lure people in. Disappointed to say the least.”

Positive Review:

“Dr. Fred Jones proposes a very simple method to publishing a book: take a speech, record it, and then transcribe it. This short book is an enlightening and enjoyable example of such, making this a very easy read. Highlighting Dr. Jones’ down to earth, conversational style, it presents an invigorating, faith-building, and humorous text on the nature and power of covenant, exchange and Dr. Fred’s own word, “Worthology.” If you are an aspiring author who has been hung up in trying to get that book done and you would love to be built up personally as well, this book will inspire and feed you.”


“This is an awesome example of HOW-TO PUBLISH NOW for messengers, mentors, speakers, coaches and others by Dr. Fred Jones “Worthologist”. His conversational style made this an easy, inspiring and motivational read for me.”



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