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Frederick D. Jones, JD

First, you cannot copyright, trademark, or patent an idea in and of itself. I want that to soak in for just a moment. Are you saying ‘why not?’ An idea is intangible, it’s abstract,

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…it’s just a thought and that by itself cannot be measured or quantified in the state of “idea”. NOW, let’s go a step further. Your idea must be formulated or put into a tangible form before it can be legally protected via copyright, trademark and or patent, etc. NOTE: This is why you must write your story, publish your story and protect your story. If you don’t, then your story will die and go into the grave when you die.

IP Image Copyright

What is a Copyright?   The exclusive right to make copies, duplicate, to create derivative works of the original work (book to big screen), license (give someone else permission to use), and otherwise exploit (make the most of, sale, lease, or rent) any of the following:

#1. Literary works, (books…)

#2. Musical works, including any accompanying words,

#3. Dramatic works, including any accompanying music,

#4. Pantomimes and choreographic works,

#5. Pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works,

#6. Motion Pictures and other audiovisual works, and

#7. Sound recordings, including audio, video, etc.

In 1990 an 8th category architectural works was added. For most of us our intellectual property is our most valuable asset but yet it’s being stolen and given away everyday with our permission and many of us don’t even realize it.

So let’s say you’re and aspiring author, artist, choreographer, film producer, creative director, graphic designer, photographer, website designer, architect, etc. – have your found you in the list yet? If you are on this list you produce and or create intellectual property daily in one form or the other!

Now, I’m not going to drill down any deeper into this subject. I realize it’s not the sexiest, but it is one of the most serious and substantive conversations you will ever come to appreciate – in my opinion.

So how do you stop thieves from stealing your ideas – just don’t SHARE them with anyone. Simple enough right, well not so fast, we must look at this a bit closer.   If you don’t share your big ideas then they will go nowhere and no one will ever benefit from them. So just NOT SHARING our ideas is probably NOT the best cure when all of social media is encouraging sharing, engagement, and education based marketing. I don’t want to go long here. Let’s continue this conversation in my next blog.

What is your most pressing question or concern regarding protecting your creative works?

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Frederick D. Jones, J.D. is an accomplished author, attorney and writing instructor, as well as a favored business law & ethics professor. He is the current Chair for the Division of Human Behavior at Louisiana College. He host live events, offers online classes, and private one-on-one coaching. Dr. Jones’ books, About My Father’s Business, An Act of Bravery and Through A Teacher’s Eyes – A tribute to his high school teacher Mabel Lawrence Thomas can all be found on Amazon. Book him, as your next keynote speaker and your audience will thank you long after he is gone! For more information or to subscribe please visit http://drfredjones.com Call: 318-617-7190

© Copyright 2015 Frederick D. Jones

Fred Jones I

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