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Dr. Fred Jones, Author, Professor, Attorney

Ten benefits of publishing your book!

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Putting those beautiful ideas of your in manuscripts, sketches or just remaining in you will not be or others. When you take a step to put the ideas in book form and have it published, it becomes more beneficial to you and the world at large. Remember, an idea shared is the idea that blesses; the one not shared becomes obsolete.

Here are some benefits of publishing your book:

1. Writing a book establishes you as an authority on your subject matter: You become an expert to aspiring authors, students and readers want to consult or emulate. Your vision of and for yourself and the world around you expands.
2. You gain respect in a particular field in the publishing world: You and your story and experiences become a reference point, a resource and inspiration for others to write their stories.
3. You get the opportunity to share your experiences, inspirations, victories, views and opinions: Your story can be a blessing to others in and outside your contact circle. Books can reach readers in any part of the world.
4. You bring hope to others: Someone out there may be going through what you just came out of and need a word of encouragement or guidance. They want to know what it takes to succeed as well and apply it to their situation and/or circumstances.
5. Books are a legacy: Books outlive their authors. Long after you are gone, readers will still be reading your books, gaining knowledge and learning from your experience. Shakespeare is still being read and studied in schools hundreds of years after his death. It is possible your book could be still be read many years from now.
6. Books are more permanent: Books are means of preserving knowledge, history and culture. Writing your autobiography, memoir, someone else’s biography, school textbooks or fiction is better in book form. It also gives future generations a glimpse and understanding of their past history.
7. No prerequisites: There are no requirements to write a book. You don’t need a degree; only determination, belief, passion and a plan. Anyone can write a book.
8. Build a platform: Get your information out to others via social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, blogs. There are many technological outlets to available to use.
9. New Material: Your collection of knowledge and resources to complete your first book will also bring you new ideas for your next book.
10. Your books are your investments: You will continue to make profit for your books for a long time to come. As books are re-written, revised or updated, you will get remunerations and royalties. This also includes books published in several languages.
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Dr. Fred Jones is an author, professor and attorney. His passion is to help woman walk in their worth, value their voice and engineer their own economy. He is the President of Father’s Voice Publishing, which features His signature proprietary publishing system “PublishMeNOW.” This Quick Start Tool Kit is designed to help the modern day author get publish immediately! Fred provides live event trainings, online audio and video courses and private coaching. He would love to come and speak to your community, group or club regarding publishing strategies! Contact Him NOW! Fred@DrFredJones.Com 318-617-7190

To learn how to amplify your voice and leave a legacy, join the movement at www.DrFredJones.com TODAY!

Dr. Jones invites readers to comment, share, and add their input below to this article: © Copyright 2015 Frederick D. Jones

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