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Houston: Write Your Worth

Write Your Worth!

Congratulations to you for making you, your book, your brand, and your business a priority!  I am Frederick Jones, your host for the Write Your Worth – Master Self-Publishing and Build Your Empire Live Event on November 11-12, 2016 in Houston, Texas.   I am so excited that you will be joining me and other prosperity-minded empire builders and world-changing women writers—and a few brave men–who are committed to exploring their story and building preeminence!

I help aspiring authors, high achievers, visionary women, ministers, and families to value their voice and share their story. I believe your story is significant, your voice has value, and it is time to make your pain pay you. When we write and publish our story, our journey, and our difficulties in life we can help others and reward ourselves for being a survivor. I want to give you the writing and publishing tools that you need to succeed.

Master Self-Publishing and Build Your Empire!

A very high percentage of people want to write books but a very low percentage is willing to invest in the training to write and publish a book profitably. Write Your Worth – Master Self-Publishing and Build Your Empire is going to be a game changer for those who show up with an elevated mentality about themselves and their ability to write.  But you must show up!

The Empire Experience!

This event will be transformational for you. I will be sharing my strategies, secrets, and systems that have enabled me to produce a six-figure income from my #1 best-selling book Publish Me NOW!  I will also be sharing my four-step publishing system:

Pen — Write Your Book

Protect — Secure Your Book

Publish — Launch Your Book

Profit — Monetize Your Book

This system has enabled me to help more than 1,000 authors publish. I want you to share my experiences and successes but I also want you to avoid the failures, mistakes, embarrassments, loss of friends and offended family members that I made learning the writing and publishing business.

I love nothing more than celebrating gifted, talented and intelligent women—and men–of God.  I created this event because I am tired of seeing people write and publish books wrong! I know that you have tried writing your story and you have been trying to do it all alone.  Let me help you! Show up, sign up, and watch God do some phenomenal things with your book empire.

The Writer Will Get…

You are encouraged to make a way to get to Houston for this Live Event. Here are five good reasons why:

  1. Community: Connect with like-minded writers and authors
  2. Change: Highlight areas in your life and business that need a change
  3. Conversation: Shift your mindset and elevate your writing rituals and routines
  4. Caring: Your success is my success. I care that you will get a return on your investment
  5. Coaching: You will get to connect with me


Spread the Word!

This event is not only for women. Men are also welcome. So help me spread the word and get the message out to anyone who has written a book, desires to write a book, and or is in the process of writing or publishing a book. If you know someone who wants to promote and market their book in a bigger way then this event is for them.

I want to help you at a more affordable rate than I had to pay:

  • Bring your spouse, friend, family member, or business associate for a reduced investment rate
  • Enjoy the opportunity to win nice gifts—some of my favorite thing

There has never been a better time to book your business.  I want to show you how to build a business around your best-selling book.

Register now at:


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